you all remember power rangers right? c'mon yeah you do you remember it was about teenagers.....with attitude? made a bunch of money? Ring any bells? Fiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneee here's the theme song
Remember now?
okay well for this list to be effective i need to take you back, back to time where power rangers were mega popular and made shit tons of money waaaaaaaay back in the magical land of 1994.
Now power rangers was so successfull that Haim Saban has this brilliant idea lets try and do it again and the result was well this
yes that is jason david frank that man who go on to be everyone's favorite power ranger eventually the show was retooled and became this
This is VR troopers. VR Troopers is a series based off the Metal Hero's series in japan it shared a similar concept to the sentai whose footage would be lent to power rangers. However due to lack of footage the show would meet it's untimly demise after two seasons due to lack of footage.
now to this day in japan super sentai and kamen rider are two of the biggest tokatsatsu series. now of course we all know that the footage from sentai series would be used for power rangers but 2 two attempts were made to adapt the kamen rider series this was saban's
now once again it ultimatly failed. probably because of the weird sitcomy vibe, poor editing and well power rangers was once again way more popular. another attempt would be made to bring to television by Steve and Michael Wang and produced by Jimmy Sprague through Adness Entertainment and would become dragon knight it was a far superior show winning several emmys
The third, final and probably my favorite of the power rangers rip offs is
Now i'm not sure what i love the most about this show the jay leno genie rip off or watching fully grown adults attempt to act like kids.this was saban's last ditch effort to create capture more lighting in a bottle he would eventually go on to ruin power rangers into the ground then sell it to disney who would run in further into the ground. Unfortunately like VR troopers they ran out of Japanese footage and were forced the cancel the show
so there you have it three shows that you,time and the rest of the world forgot
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