Tuesday 13 November 2012

Internet we need to talk

Now normally i would comment about something like this online ,because well who cares, but it needs to be said. Guys we need to accept that being a geek doesnt mean the same thing it used to! now that's not a bad certainly by any means, in fact it's a good thing i mean remember when being a geek or a nerd made you a social pariah, a weirdo, a freak the fact that being a geek has not only become mainstream but is now cool is a miracle. Guys geeks are not part of this elite group that we can suddenly pretend makes us better or cooler then the regular people

Now on this subject of cosplayers and their geek status or not. Now this is something i honestly never thought i would have to say but the very act of dressing up as a character from a various form of media is geeky thus we can draw the conclusion that cosplaying is geeky at best it shows a clear appreciation of that character.

You know while i'm at it i might as well ask this question that i shouldn't have to ask. why do we find female gamers so threating to out culture? Why do you view this is a bad thing cause it isn't. i mean lets go back to the social pariah thing for a minute remember when women were into guys who played sports? those dumb muscler jocks? do you wanna go back to that cause i don't! There was a time were you'd be playing mario and your girl friend would yell at you make her pay attention to her and take her out to some fancy restaurant and you tried to but all you could think about was how you were one world away from beating bowser and saving the mushroom kingdom. now well that still happens but now you can suggest ordering a pizza and playing the new super mario brothers, really thats just magical to me

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