As a Employee of the fast food industry i work in a drive thru as such i have many peet peeves from customers so after about 10 minutes of research i have decided to compile my own list of rules and here they are
Most people come through the drive through cause there's this grand misconception that for whatever reason the drive through is faster that being said if we want to make things faster we should follow rule number 1
Rule number 1 : Know What you want
When you don't know what you want you waste my time and the time of those behind you while sit there studying the menu board like its your grade 12 math text book if your unsure of what you want please come inside where you can stand out of people's way and study away however if you have already violated this rule please at least follow rule number 2
Rule number 2: At least read the menu board
its very nice that you want a strawberry smoothie or a breakfast sandwhich with ham on it but if i don't sell those items it really means jack no doesn't it if you had actually taken the time to read the menu board we could have avoided this whole embarassing scenario
okay so lets say you've followed the first two rules you know what you want but you're with your family of about 5 to 6 people or you've decided that tonights a good night to treat the kids to some fast food well please consider rule number three
Rule Number 3 if your orders for more then two people please come into the restaurant
it's really nice that you're kind enough to buy food for all these people it really is but remember that time where you were starving but in a hurray but it seemed to take forever cause some jackass at the front of the line is taking forever and you can see them handing him massive bags of food well right now you are that jackass so next time come on in and we'll get you your food in a timely matter without holding other people up.
We get it sometimes money is hard to come by and you can't be as generous as the guy in rule three but seriously guys
Rule 4 Don't be cheap if your going through the drive thru and your the driver pay the bill
seriously guys i get money is hard to come by sometimes but stop wasting my time by divinding up the bills either come in the restaurant and pay seperatly or decide upon a payment plan in which the passenger gets the next one or he pays back the money
and lastly if you cannot follow any of these rules at the very least follow this last rule
Rule 5 learn the name of the item you want to order you lazy son of bitch
i don't serve triple o burgers i have an original burger a double double etc you wouldn't go through the mcdonalds drive through and ask for a mcdonalds burger oh and btw when you ask for a breakfast sandwhich i have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. oh and its a sunny start not a sunshine start not a sunshine breakfast
these are my rules to have a sucessfull trip through the drive thru feel free to comment with some of yours
Can I have a McGangbang pls.