Tuesday 27 November 2012

Pooping where you eat

so at this point most of you have probably seen this. now i thought long and hard about posting something about this,which for me is was about 5 minutes, now when charlie sheen took the time to shit all over his boss and his job and basically fucked up a good thing we all ultimately figured out that it was just a ploy to make us watch his new show. now you would think every single person on that show would have learned from this and had the thought hey "maybe if i say things like the show is garbage this won't end well for me" now i'm sure there will probably reprecusions he will probably appologize his PR person will repair the damage.

really i don't like to shit on people's beliefs i really don't. however i do like to make fun of crazy people who say stupid things and the people who choose to associate themselves with these people now that being said i want you to realize he has now chosen to associate himself with the guy who made this video

so he has chosen to associate himself with the guy who believes hurricane sandy will cause women to eat their children. now i'm not sure if one of his "people" told him that making the video was a good idea or if he decided upon this himself but man what a bone head move. i'm gonna leave you guys with a qustion you would assiciate your name with this guy? cause i know i wouldn't

*Update*  okay i after i finished writting the intial blog i continued skimming his videos and i came accross what i'm about to show you and i have to get serious for a moment. Now i'm not going to use this blog to promote an agenda this blog is meant to be funny comedic satire i will try to remain light hearted that being said this,

is not okay, using religion to spread hate to spread fear is not okay, people like this are whats wrong with the world and i understand that by posting his videos i'm giving him attention and thats wrong. however if we are the progress as a society all people must be treated equal and hate filled propaganda like this should not be tolerated.

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