Tuesday 13 November 2012

In a galaxy far far away

it's time to talk about lets talk about these new star wars films. i would talk about the whole sale but lets be honest its just one souless corporation being sold to another souless corporation. i think the only way this could be successfull is if they pull a star trek and reboot it and hell we'll even keep the whole time travel thing. think about it have a middle age luke, we could either recast him or use special effects to age him, and try to stop anakin from becoming darth vader and you know what have darth vader go after him, hey why stop at just having darth maul come back from the dead, and hell lets bring back hayden christensen back as young anakin. we could have a reverse father son relationship though

seriously though i think the fact that hollywood is treating this as just another sci fi frachise. having a big name director like jj abrams just as an example isn't going to work. i think having it go back to its roots by hiring a new independant director is going to be the key to success.

The one thing i will not understand is people's surprise. for me i think the sale it self was surprising i think, while it may have become diluded, deep in george lucas' mind star wars is still his baby i mean when you get right down to it he has had one of the most successfull careers on just one film franchise alone, that is pretty impresive. When you compare that to some of the more iconic film directors such as steven spieldberg for example who have a plethora of iconic films, jaws, ET,Indiana jones just to name a few. so the very idea that he would sell his company and this franchise was astounding now the fact that disney turned around and started to have its way with the franchise does not surprise me at all

Now my knowledge at this point is very limited on what they plan to do but here's a few interesting questions to ponder. who of the original,if any, of the original cast will come back? who much of the prequels will be included? will the include any story details of the expanded universe will the include? only the future will tell?

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