Friday 8 November 2013

Justin's PS4 first impressions

so today i had the pleasure of playing PS4 for the first time. Now before i get to the criticisms i will preface this with the fact that this was a demo. the final product may be different run better...etc. now first off the hardware,very little of which i got to look at obviously, i got to experience.well to put it simply  thing lags like hell it took well over 2 minutes to load every demo i played which i get isn't much but for a next gen console to me any load time is just unacceptable. I thought that it was a little laggy because it was unfinished but when i spoke to the clerk at eb games he said that this was how it was gonna to be at launch he tried to defend it saying that it was the demo version but every demo of a sony product be it the vita ps3 so and so forth and they ran just like my home console

now on the what everyone wants to know about.......THE GAMES..... well the demo had quite a few demos which was really impressive i was only able to play two. The first of which being octodad, which ummmmm exists i guess it felt more like a tech demo then an actual game and really not a very impressive tech demo at that combine the QWOP guy and that surgeon simulator and thats pretty much it and really it wasn't that impressive graphically either so all in all maybe i just don't get i guess

for me the highlight of the whole experience was knack which looked great and was super fun the mechanics of changing form was a lot of fun but and there is a big but there were a lot of invisible walls which of course i so ps2 and at most you fight one maybe two bad guys and the world over all just felt baren like there was nothing there that was all that interesting......but once again these are just first impressions but you can go check out for your self at your local eb games leave a comment and let me know what you think do you agree do you disagree......................................................also they announced the new wow expansion so that happened i guess

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Commericial the movie

so today i was reading my paper like i usually do and i first started thinking about this post and it was intially really long winded preachy speech about misogyny and the hypocrisy that is radiacal femism but then i flipped the page and started reading about this

Now i can't be the only one who when they first saw this and thought it was a total joke, a really clever marketing ploy, but a joke. now according to early reviews and what kokanee is tell us it's not. now we all know that's a crock of shit from conception to creation this has been one of the most clever marketting campagins ever.  its attempt to include customers in the movie process has been a bold if not interesting experiment and really only time and viewing the movie will tell us if it will yield a successfull result. while this maybe the first time a company such as kokanee has attempted to take there characters and make a movie out of them it's not the first time a company has taken it's characters and tried to tell a story, 10 points to the person who can tell a company who tried that, and while its attempt is blatently trying to take your money and it does make you think is this company be a first? are other companies gonna follow in there foot steps? how many other comercials would make good movies? interesting to note

Tuesday 27 November 2012

With Apologies to the two people havn't seen the dark knight rises

Right off the Bat gonna be spoiling the end of the dark knight rises for the three people who havn't seen it. okay now that we have that out of the way let's talk about this

now ignoring the photo shopped picture of nightwing, and the fact that they've clearly confused the two lets talk about why this is a very bad idea. the thing about any character in christopher nolan's films is if the character was a major character they had a place in the comics. they may have been changed or adapted to fit into the real world but they had a place in the comics. The character of John blake was not he was a character created just for the movie.the whole robin thing at the end of the film was fan service and clear joke to all the fans who spent most of the production speculating he was robin. now in the history of the comics there have been 5 technically 6 robins none of which had the name john blake. In the history of batman there have only been two men who weren't bruce wayne to take up the cape and cowl Jean-Paul Valley and dick grayson the second robin

Now the reason ultimatly having that character be batman in the justice league film is a bad idea. okay i need you to think about this your finally getting a justice league movie and batman isn't even batman he's some random dude from one movie. to compare it would be like if in the avengers iron man wasn't tony stark  he was some random dude who manged to just guess at how to use the suit
now that being said if you want joseph gordon levit as batman have him be bruce wayne in the inevitable batman reboot. other wise batman fans are gonna feel ripped off

Pooping where you eat

so at this point most of you have probably seen this. now i thought long and hard about posting something about this,which for me is was about 5 minutes, now when charlie sheen took the time to shit all over his boss and his job and basically fucked up a good thing we all ultimately figured out that it was just a ploy to make us watch his new show. now you would think every single person on that show would have learned from this and had the thought hey "maybe if i say things like the show is garbage this won't end well for me" now i'm sure there will probably reprecusions he will probably appologize his PR person will repair the damage.

really i don't like to shit on people's beliefs i really don't. however i do like to make fun of crazy people who say stupid things and the people who choose to associate themselves with these people now that being said i want you to realize he has now chosen to associate himself with the guy who made this video

so he has chosen to associate himself with the guy who believes hurricane sandy will cause women to eat their children. now i'm not sure if one of his "people" told him that making the video was a good idea or if he decided upon this himself but man what a bone head move. i'm gonna leave you guys with a qustion you would assiciate your name with this guy? cause i know i wouldn't

*Update*  okay i after i finished writting the intial blog i continued skimming his videos and i came accross what i'm about to show you and i have to get serious for a moment. Now i'm not going to use this blog to promote an agenda this blog is meant to be funny comedic satire i will try to remain light hearted that being said this,

is not okay, using religion to spread hate to spread fear is not okay, people like this are whats wrong with the world and i understand that by posting his videos i'm giving him attention and thats wrong. however if we are the progress as a society all people must be treated equal and hate filled propaganda like this should not be tolerated.

The Power rangers Rip offs you forgot

you all remember power rangers right? c'mon yeah you do you remember it was about teenagers.....with attitude? made a bunch of money? Ring any bells? Fiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneee here's the theme song

Remember now?

okay well for this list to be effective i need to take you back, back to time where power rangers were mega popular and made shit tons of money waaaaaaaay back in the magical land of 1994.

Now power rangers was so successfull that Haim Saban has this brilliant idea lets try and do it again and the result was well this

yes that is jason david frank that man who go on to be everyone's favorite power ranger eventually the show was retooled and became this
This is VR troopers. VR Troopers is a series based off the Metal Hero's series in japan it shared a similar concept to the sentai whose footage would be lent to power rangers. However due to lack of footage the show would meet it's untimly demise after two seasons due to lack of footage.

now  to this day in japan  super sentai and kamen rider are two of the biggest tokatsatsu series. now of course we all know that the footage from sentai series would be used for power rangers but 2 two attempts were made to adapt the kamen rider series this was saban's

now once again it ultimatly failed. probably because of the weird sitcomy vibe, poor editing and well power rangers was once again way more popular. another attempt would be made to bring to television by Steve and Michael Wang and produced by Jimmy Sprague through Adness Entertainment and would become dragon knight it was a far superior show winning several emmys

The third, final and probably my favorite of the power rangers rip offs is

Now i'm not sure what i love the most about this show the jay leno genie rip off or watching fully grown adults attempt to act like kids.this was saban's last ditch effort to create capture more lighting in a bottle he would eventually go on to ruin power rangers into the ground then sell it to disney who would run in further into the ground. Unfortunately like VR troopers they ran out of Japanese footage and were forced the cancel the show

so there you have it three shows that you,time and the rest of the world forgot

Friday 23 November 2012

Rules of The Drive thru

As a Employee of the fast food industry i work in a drive thru as such i have many peet peeves from customers so after about 10 minutes of research i have decided to compile my own list of rules and here they are

Most people come through the drive through cause there's this grand misconception that for whatever reason the drive through is faster that being said if we want to make things faster we should follow rule number 1

Rule number 1 : Know What you want

When you don't know what you want you waste my time and the time of those behind you while sit there studying the menu board like its your grade 12 math text book if your unsure of what you want please come inside where you can stand out of people's way and study away however if you have already violated this rule please at least follow rule number 2

Rule number 2: At least read the menu board

its very nice that you want a strawberry smoothie or a breakfast sandwhich with ham on it but if i don't sell those items it really means jack no doesn't it if you had actually taken the time to read the menu board we could have avoided this whole embarassing scenario

okay so lets say you've followed the first two rules you know what you want but you're with your family of about 5 to 6 people or you've decided that tonights a good night to treat the kids to some fast food well please consider rule number three

Rule Number 3 if your orders for more then two people please come into the restaurant

it's really nice that you're kind enough to buy food for all these people it really is but remember that time where you were starving but in a hurray but it seemed to take forever cause some jackass at the front of the line is taking forever and you can see them handing him massive bags of food well right now you are that jackass so next time come on in and we'll get you your food in a timely matter without holding other people up.

We get it sometimes money is hard to come by and you can't be as generous as the guy in rule three but seriously guys

Rule 4 Don't be cheap if your going through the drive thru and your the driver pay the bill

seriously guys i get money is hard to come by sometimes but stop wasting my time by divinding up the bills either come in the restaurant and pay seperatly or decide upon a payment plan in which the passenger gets the next one or he pays back the money

and lastly if you cannot follow any of these rules at the very least follow this last rule

Rule 5 learn the name of the item you want to order you lazy son of bitch

i don't serve triple o burgers i have an original burger a double double etc you wouldn't go through the mcdonalds drive through and ask for a mcdonalds burger oh and btw when you ask for a breakfast sandwhich i have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. oh and its a sunny start not a sunshine start not a sunshine breakfast

these are my rules to have a sucessfull trip through the drive thru feel free to comment with some of yours

So here's my idea for a freaking movie

So i aint no writer. One could probably tell this from my hastily written and rambly blog. really i consider myself more of an idea man then anything but the other day i was watching casino royal and i had an idea, James Bond is a long running franchise right? With a bunch of movies right? well there has got to be super fans out there with huge knowledge of the mythos the cliches every thing. well what if he became a james bond like spy! now i know the concept of someone who is clearly not built to be a spy but is one anyone has been done before but my idea is what if a fanboy became a hero. nerding out at having his own Q, Gadgets, bad guys, etc have him geek out at every little thing. this would make for a great broad style parody ala mel brooks, instead of the horrible pop culture ridden parody movies we've become asscutomed to

and while we're on the subject of parodies guys its time to stop with the star wars/disney parodies. they were funny at first and i get that disney started it, and it yes i suppose leia is technically a new disney princess although really she was more of a diplomat then a princess you know like her mother and really wouldn't she be considered disney royality she was a freaking queen and wait now that i think about it what made leia a princess anyway bail organa wasn't a king he was a senator!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i digress where was i oh yeah disney parodies need to stop they're annoying

So the other day i watched lincoln, great movie if your a history buff watch it Daniel Day-lewis deserves that oscar, but it got my thinking why hasn't anyone made an oscar bait biopic movie about the beatles? i mean there was that one about john lennon why not make one about the beatles them selves? i mean there was enough tension and anger and resent ment to create dramatic tension. there was their drug use not to mention yoko ono. all you need is to cast some young relativly unknown actors who will forever be known as the guys who played the beatles