Wednesday 5 December 2012

Commericial the movie

so today i was reading my paper like i usually do and i first started thinking about this post and it was intially really long winded preachy speech about misogyny and the hypocrisy that is radiacal femism but then i flipped the page and started reading about this

Now i can't be the only one who when they first saw this and thought it was a total joke, a really clever marketing ploy, but a joke. now according to early reviews and what kokanee is tell us it's not. now we all know that's a crock of shit from conception to creation this has been one of the most clever marketting campagins ever.  its attempt to include customers in the movie process has been a bold if not interesting experiment and really only time and viewing the movie will tell us if it will yield a successfull result. while this maybe the first time a company such as kokanee has attempted to take there characters and make a movie out of them it's not the first time a company has taken it's characters and tried to tell a story, 10 points to the person who can tell a company who tried that, and while its attempt is blatently trying to take your money and it does make you think is this company be a first? are other companies gonna follow in there foot steps? how many other comercials would make good movies? interesting to note